charissa santos: 2 rookie teams took 2 awards!
charissa santos: shawncakes
charissa santos: Lose your shoe?
charissa santos: amazing ancient wonderful creekside church
charissa santos: sweet tail
charissa santos: An ex-qui-site plate of french toast at Oriole9 in Woodstock.
charissa santos: steven holl at MIT, freshman dorms.
charissa santos: He was a fighter
charissa santos: dessert, prison, 2 fun hours in Philly.
charissa santos: us high-fiving after getting to chinese place right before closing. raced 150 miles
charissa santos: the first plate of asian food we've had in 14 days!
charissa santos: Hi from St. Augustine
charissa santos: The man in the red is rebuilding on this site in April. The stripes-man has a large crew of volunteers ready to build houses. Good things...
charissa santos: A handful of houses have already been built. The residents get to choose from about 12 designs, intended to be sustainable. This one's by GR...
charissa santos: Brad Pitt. Starting a re-build of the Lower 9th Ward in New Orleans.
charissa santos: Donald Judd in Marfa
charissa santos: Dan Flavin in Houston
charissa santos: still dreaming of this sunset.
charissa santos: one of the best meals of my life?
charissa santos: We got to stay with Ben in the beautiful Tucson desert. Nick loves Mrs. Lepley. This is by the front door to their house.
charissa santos: Arcosanti was an interesting visit but kind of a sad place. Walking into these barrel vaults was one of its stunning moments.
charissa santos: white as snow
charissa santos: ready to go
charissa santos: the view from my room
charissa santos: forget you, microwave
charissa santos: stan bitters in fresno