chailey: Spring flowers, Valentines Park, Ilford
chailey: Black helibores, Valentines Park, Ilford
chailey: Finally! Spring blossom, Valentines Park, Ilford
chailey: Spring daffodils with wedding photography in the background, Valentines Park, Ilford
chailey: Ernest with spring daffodils, Valentines Park, Ilford
chailey: Spring daffodils, Valentines Park, Ilford
chailey: Valentines Park, Ilford - just before it started snowing!
chailey: Rob & Andrew, warming up in the Valentines Park Cafe, Ilford
chailey: Ernest & me, warming up in the Valentines Park Cafe, Ilford
chailey: Andrew, Rob, & Ernest, sheltering from the cold wind, Valentines Park, Ilford
chailey: Chilly unused boats, Valentines Park, Ilford
chailey: The dismantling Olympic Aquatic Centre
chailey: Would you let this man into your country?
chailey: David Bowie is here
chailey: Alan Turing is there
chailey: Ernest walking in the tunnel towards the Science Museum
chailey: The "Flight" gallery at the Science Museum.
chailey: Ernest & me at the Deep Blue Diner in the Science Museum
chailey: Me with Stephenson's "ROCKET"
chailey: The rather amazing Pilot ACE
chailey: Going from taking my photo to a robot arm scratching the shape in the sand
chailey: Me and Ernest, frankly not terribly recognisable when drawn in sand by a robot
chailey: Ernest on the "Materials Gallery" bridge
chailey: The underneath of the "Materials Gallery" bridge, Science Museum
chailey: Freaky, dangling steel-dress lady
chailey: Gorgeous typography on the front of South Ken tube station
chailey: The Bird Kites of South Ken
chailey: The still somewhat surprisingly direct Stratford to Cambridge service