ccotton: longitude latitude
ccotton: lion sitting in the shade of our landrover
ccotton: Lioness
ccotton: Lion mother and 3 sub-adults drinking
ccotton: Bushbuck
ccotton: Waterbuck
ccotton: Mother and baby elephant
ccotton: Elephant getting ready to charge our vehicle
ccotton: IMG_8027 ele charge
ccotton: Genet
ccotton: IMG_8459 genet (1)
ccotton: Roan Antelope
ccotton: Waterbuck
ccotton: African Skimmers
ccotton: Saddle-billed stork
ccotton: Baboon
ccotton: Baboon
ccotton: IMG_8255
ccotton: Hippos
ccotton: Hippo yawning
ccotton: Lion hidden in the grass
ccotton: Lion yawning
ccotton: Lion sisters
ccotton: Lion tracks
ccotton: Reflection
ccotton: White-fronted bee-eater eating a dragonfly
ccotton: Elephant in camp
ccotton: Puku
ccotton: Lichtenstein's hartebeest
ccotton: IMG_8562