catescott: For the love of all cookies, please leave me alone lady!...Day 109
catescott: Artistic Shot of KC's Hindquarters...Day 109
catescott: Fibonacci Flowers
catescott: Denali and KC
catescott: Portrait of Denali in the wild
catescott: Good Timing
catescott: Bull Creek!
catescott: KC's got my back
catescott: Dreamy Naturey Thing
catescott: Bokeh Dots
catescott: May 3, 2009 Lazy Sunday Bull Creek Style
catescott: Cookie? Who said cookie? I want a cookie! Gimme!...Day 109
catescott: Egads! I think she might actually be looking at the camera.
catescott: Tired
catescott: 2 sleeping dogs
catescott: Passed out
catescott: May 31, 2009 Submerged
catescott: May 31, 2009 Wave
catescott: Strange markings I found on a rock in the creek.
catescott: Denali paw
catescott: Sleepy time!
catescott: Sleeping KC pants
catescott: Shake it off Denali