shastabolicious: Hardcore punk band Graf Orlock
shastabolicious: Queen's Cafe & Hooka on a Saturday night
shastabolicious: Pennsylvania Ave. SE at night
shastabolicious: Outside the Cannon House Office Building
shastabolicious: Dusk Around Capitol Hill
shastabolicious: The permanent Christmas lights of Walter street, SE DC
shastabolicious: Ratheon/WJLA building
shastabolicious: Frontman for DC post-hardcore band The Black Sparks ties his shoes
shastabolicious: Jefferson Memorial during the National Cherry Blossom Festival
shastabolicious: Under the Southeast Freeway
shastabolicious: Trespassing in Baltimore
shastabolicious: International Pillow Fight Day on the National Mall
shastabolicious: International Pillow Fight Day on the National Mall
shastabolicious: Tidal Basin at dusk
shastabolicious: At MAGFest 2014
shastabolicious: Musical happening at MAGFest
shastabolicious: The Sims cosplay at MAGFest 2014
shastabolicious: Outbound train
shastabolicious: Amsterdam Falafel