dcws101: A few people enjoying the crowdless Coronado beach
dcws101: Grand gathering place on Piazza Carducci in Sirmione, Italy
dcws101: Sunset over Lake Ontario
dcws101: Photobombers!
dcws101: Bernini Express, Switzerland
dcws101: Fiery Sunset on Mt. Fitzroy, Patagonia
dcws101: Artist in Old Town Tallinn
dcws101: Six wary Artic Fox pups near their den
dcws101: Arctic Fox pup guarding a severed Svalbard Reindeer leg
dcws101: Landscape just outside Longyearbyen
dcws101: Serenity. An adult Walrus with her Pup
dcws101: Ny-London ('New London') is an abandoned marble mining settlement on Blomstrandøya, Svalbard, established by the prospector Ernest Mansfield on behalf of the Northern Exploration Company in 1911
dcws101: Long abandoned equipment at Ny London (New London)
dcws101: Kittiwake on Final approach
dcws101: Picturesque street in Tallinn's Old Town
dcws101: Busy sky casting light and shadows at Mollerfjorden, Svalbard
dcws101: Guillemots gathering spot. Perhaps to find a mate or just socialize at Alkefjellet
dcws101: Guillemots nesting wherever possible on the magestic cliffs at Alkefjellet
dcws101: Guillemot colony (left side) heading out to sea from the high cliffs at Alkefjellet
dcws101: A big yawn
dcws101: Sleep time
dcws101: Flocks of birds flying in Waalenburg Bay (Wahlenbergfjorden), Svalbard
dcws101: Dining on a carcass
dcws101: Zodiac closing in on a glacier at the waters edge
dcws101: Siesta on the beach - Walrus style
dcws101: Glaciers, mountains and ice (plus the "Ocean Adventurer" ship close to a glacier)
dcws101: Glaucous Gull family near a colony of Guillemots in Svalbard
dcws101: Summer mushing exercise in Longyearbyen, Svalbard
dcws101: Erratic boulder left behind from the last Ice Age, and a Polar Bear
dcws101: Quark Expedition's "Ocean Adventurer" ship in Lilliehöökfjorden (Lilliehook Fjord), Svalbard