Muffet: Huh?
Muffet: happy golden
Muffet: westie
Muffet: smiling golden
Muffet: happy furry friday
Muffet: OK, I caught them. Now what?
Muffet: doggie bliss
Muffet: happy Furry Friday
Muffet: Please?
Muffet: corgi again
Muffet: Wanna play?
Muffet: Murphy
Muffet: Harley, the neighbor's dog
Muffet: pup portrait
Muffet: Forty and the Bear
Muffet: Tonka with my shoe
Muffet: Nixon
Muffet: Tonka2
Muffet: natural chew toy
Muffet: Garp, curious
Muffet: Is that another ball?
Muffet: cutie
Muffet: Tonka
Muffet: brindle scotty
Muffet: Daisy
Muffet: shar pei
Muffet: Harley and shoe
Muffet: Hu Wee
Muffet: Tonka
Muffet: Nilly