Caitirin: Bags
Caitirin: Bags
Caitirin: Bags
Caitirin: New box bag!
Caitirin: New box bag!
Caitirin: New sewing machine!!!!!!!!!!!
Caitirin: New sewing machine!!!!!!!!!!!
Caitirin: New sewing machine!!!!!!!!!!!
Caitirin: Clearly this shirt is too large. Have it tailored for me, thank you.
Caitirin: Clearly this shirt is too large. Have it tailored for me, thank you.
Caitirin: Clearly this shirt is too large. Have it tailored for me, thank you.
Caitirin: Taylan's new cloak
Caitirin: Taylan's new cloak
Caitirin: Katie working on Dante's new outfit
Caitirin: Katie working on Dante's new outfit
Caitirin: Katie working on Dante's new outfit
Caitirin: Bed clothes all coordinate too! If it's worth doing its worth overdoing? ;) I went a little crazy after I finished the quilt
Caitirin: Bed clothes all coordinate too! If it's worth doing its worth overdoing? ;) I went a little crazy after I finished the quilt
Caitirin: Bed clothes all coordinate too! If it's worth doing its worth overdoing? ;) I went a little crazy after I finished the quilt
Caitirin: Doll quilt is DONE! Also I learned how to bind a quilt today! From the internet!
Caitirin: Doll quilt is DONE! Also I learned how to bind a quilt today! From the internet!
Caitirin: Doll quilt is DONE! Also I learned how to bind a quilt today! From the internet!
Caitirin: Halfway done top!
Caitirin: What do brand new SDs need? A quilt!