by_irma: Auditorio de Tenerife "Adán Martín"
by_irma: Auditorio de Tenerife "Adán Martín"
by_irma: Pecker
by_irma: Stairway to heaven...
by_irma: Lines and curves
by_irma: Lines and curves
by_irma: The sunny side of Santa Cruz
by_irma: Hand up
by_irma: Bananas
by_irma: Busy
by_irma: White House
by_irma: Colourful
by_irma: La Orotava
by_irma: Shadow on the wall
by_irma: La Orotava
by_irma: Shadows in the sand
by_irma: Coastline
by_irma: Sherlock Holmes
by_irma: Rusty
by_irma: Atlas
by_irma: Lava and ice
by_irma: I think...this is art...
by_irma: Splash
by_irma: Spring!
by_irma: Sunbathing
by_irma: Tunnelvision
by_irma: From above
by_irma: Pico del Teide
by_irma: Parasol
by_irma: On the top of the hill