degeneratecraftfair: Jay van Buren at the Degnerate Craft Fair
Bryn Oh: Golden Eyeball in Toronto
Aya Rosen: brooklyn-is-watching
Gita Rau: Float Within
Gita Rau: Watching Brooklyn Is Watching
Lance Shields: BiW sign modification
rafeejewell: bunnyken in second life
kenwalters2: trans sculpture_001
wendyOfNeverland Fussbudget: Cheyenne Simpsonized
beth h.: BiW37: Ivy Lane
bethkraemerky: Sage Duncan
sndrv: Platform is tilting to the left
Snowy Hoobinoo: Lawless City
Selavy Oh: facial distortion
Syene: Immersed in the Wave with Planets (in SL) - for Brooklyn is Watching
Lance Shields: Invasion of the eyeballs!
Lance Shields: Trio of one-ups-mans
Lance Shields: Video: Broken Rainbow Cloudy Night
rowanf: brooklyn5-3_008.jpg
Selavy Oh: turning furniture
pienavita: Juria.Potchaklein
pienavita: bryn oh
pienavita: Los_Banditos_at_Potcha
pienavita: Los_Banditos_at_Potchaklein
Kat2 Kit - Matt labs: Snapshot_085
Kat2 Kit - Matt labs: Snapshot_084
Selavy Oh: tube to heaven
Selavy Oh: Um, forgot the title ...