brookelynn23: One of the window seats in our new home.
brookelynn23: View one
brookelynn23: Chofu comes with everything you need to hook it up to a stock tank
brookelynn23: Chofu
brookelynn23: A great picture of the outdoor fireplace
brookelynn23: North Deck
brookelynn23: More of that photogenic fireplace
brookelynn23: Outdoor Shower
brookelynn23: Fireplace, with iris
brookelynn23: Under the house, looking up at the two window seats and some redwoods
brookelynn23: The windows are lead, can you see the wavy glass?
brookelynn23: Looking into the dining room
brookelynn23: The north deck and windows
brookelynn23: Deco Window Details
brookelynn23: Our first major art purchase
brookelynn23: The kitchen includes a garbage disposal and dish washer..ooh fancy!
brookelynn23: Lots of sky and trees
brookelynn23: Stained glass window
brookelynn23: The window seat changes daily
brookelynn23: View two
brookelynn23: My craft room is now a rolling shelf in my closet.
brookelynn23: A sunny path leads to a cute spot to hang out
brookelynn23: The outdoor shower
brookelynn23: Fleurs
brookelynn23: The hillside is irrigated and on timers
brookelynn23: One of the larger redwoods
brookelynn23: Nat in the sun under a maple in the yard
brookelynn23: The south property line
brookelynn23: The south property line has a great fence
brookelynn23: The floor is insulated, and the foundation is in great condition