brookelynn23: Taylor Maid Farms CSA
brookelynn23: The berries are the best
brookelynn23: Blurry CSA
brookelynn23: The contents of today's box from Taylor Maid Farms
brookelynn23: A view of the homestead
brookelynn23: The cut flower garden at Taylor Maid farms
brookelynn23: The greens bed
brookelynn23: Raspberries and Redwoods
brookelynn23: Sue makes pizzas so good. Beet pizzas.
brookelynn23: The beet pizza after its ride in the wood fired oven
brookelynn23: Snap and all his pizza making choices
brookelynn23: The overview of the Taylor Maid Farms party
brookelynn23: Ingrid's tart is in my top three all time food expirences
brookelynn23: This cake was heavy and rich with the flavor of fruit.
brookelynn23: How good does that look?
brookelynn23: I heart Sarah Rubin