Brix5: Pipes and Vents in color
Brix5: Hole in the wall
Brix5: Lichen in the sun
Brix5: Snowy tree bough
Brix5: Old Wall
Brix5: Pussy Willows
Brix5: Found on road dead
Brix5: Up the Mountain
Brix5: Still water
Brix5: Cracked Paint study
Brix5: Swirls on wet bark
Brix5: Bark Green
Brix5: Cracked Paint Rust
Brix5: Clouds make the sky
Brix5: Old Building
Brix5: Path Forward
Brix5: Fall at the coffee shop
Brix5: Reflect on towers
Brix5: Scrape the paint
Brix5: Mushroom pair
Brix5: Distortion
Brix5: Life is good
Brix5: Cracked and baked
Brix5: Stairs to the sky
Brix5: Yet more cracked paint
Brix5: Rain Chain
Brix5: Black eyed susans
Brix5: Rust in the Rain
Brix5: Green Paint
Brix5: Lines and Shadows