brian.gratwicke: Panama Jan 2023 Strategic Planning Meeting
brian.gratwicke: Jorge Guerrel (left) inside an amphibian rescue pod discussing an animal health issue with Dr. Eric Baitchman from Zoo New England who is the lead veterinarian for our project.
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus varius metamorph, produced using invitro fertilization methods
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus varius
brian.gratwicke: Hlemur
brian.gratwicke: Andinobates geminisae
brian.gratwicke: Triprion spinosus
brian.gratwicke: Oophaga vicentei tall
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus limosus
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus glyphus
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus certus
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus zeteki
brian.gratwicke: Dr Gina DellaTogna fertilizing Atelopus eggs with sperm collected from male Atelopus using hormonal stimulation.
brian.gratwicke: Blake Klocke with radiotransmitter tracking a Limosa harlequin frog (Atelopus limosus) that was bred in captivity and released into the wild
brian.gratwicke: a pair of toad mountain harlequin frogs - Atelopus certus in amplexus
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus limosus metamorphs at the Gamboa ARCC
brian.gratwicke: Juvenile Atelopus certus collected as they metamorphose from their tadpole tanks are fed on springtails
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus certus tadpoles
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus varius
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus limosus in itraconazole
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus chiriquiensis, once a common harlequin frog and subject of numerous ecological studies at Fortuna, last seen in 1996. Likely extinct due to chytridiomycosis.
brian.gratwicke: Inside Pod 6 at the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project in Gamboa
brian.gratwicke: Kids at La Minca School in Colombia participating in a morning of fun Atelopus activities organized by the Atelopus Survival Initiative. Activities including live music by JacanaJacana, dancing, coloring and screen-printing t-shirts.
brian.gratwicke: Kids were thrilled to screen-print Atelopus designs onto their shirts, La Minca School, Colombia.
brian.gratwicke: Amphibian Rescue Pod
brian.gratwicke: Conservation Biologist Jorge Guerrel of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute tends frogs in pod #6