brian.gratwicke: Mural and exhibition niche at the Gamboa Amphibian Research and Conservation Center
brian.gratwicke: Exhibition niche window into a working amphibian rescue pod. All frogs in this pod have been captive-bred.
brian.gratwicke: Amphibian rescue pods all in a row with back up generator in foreground.
brian.gratwicke: Frog mural Gamboa Amphibian research and Conservation Center
brian.gratwicke: Exhibition niche where passers by can learn more about our project
brian.gratwicke: Frog research lab at the new Gamboa Amphibian Research and Conservation Center
brian.gratwicke: Biologist Matt Evans of the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park helps set up small holding tanks for frogs in amphibian rescue pod # 7
brian.gratwicke: Nair Cabezon and Nancy Fairchild tending the cricket production line pod 5
brian.gratwicke: Amphibian Rescue Pod
brian.gratwicke: Gamboa facility of the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project
brian.gratwicke: Limosa Harlequin Frog -Atelopus limosus (captive bred)
brian.gratwicke: Toad Mountain Harlequin Frog - Atelopus certus (captive bred)
brian.gratwicke: Pirre Harlequin Frog - Atelopus glyphus (captive bred)
brian.gratwicke: Andinobates geminisae (Captive-bred)
brian.gratwicke: Oophaga vicentei
brian.gratwicke: Conservation Biologist Jorge Guerrel of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute tends frogs in pod #6
brian.gratwicke: Juvenile Atelopus certus collected as they metamorphose from their tadpole tanks are fed on springtails