brian.gratwicke: Post-metamorph Atelopus gylphus - Pirre Harlequin frog
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus limosus in its native habitat
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus certus inside rescue pod
brian.gratwicke: Golden frogs in the market, El Valle
brian.gratwicke: Hemifractus fasciatus
brian.gratwicke: Cricket Glass Frog - Hylinobatrachium colymbiphyllum
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus zeteki petroglyph, India Dormida, El Valle. Golden Frog
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus limosus lowland color form, juvenile (first-ever captive-bred)
brian.gratwicke: LaLoma Treefrog Hyloscirtus colymba
brian.gratwicke: Dead Bd-infected Atelopus limosus at Sierra Llorona (posed to show ventral lesions and chytridiomycosis signs)
brian.gratwicke: Water fall at Sierra Llorona, a Bd monitoring site in central Panama.
brian.gratwicke: Oophaga speciosa - Splendid Poison frog, once popular in the pet trade for large size and bright red color likely extinct due to chytridiomycosis
brian.gratwicke: Rainforest rocketfrog (Silverstoneia flotator) male with tadpoles
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus certus
brian.gratwicke: IMG_4267
brian.gratwicke: Amphibian holding area at the El Valle amphibian conservation center (EVACC) in Panama
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus certus calling male
brian.gratwicke: Inside an amphibian rescue pod. A real 'Amphibian Ark'
brian.gratwicke: Angie Estrada - former student of Dr. Ibanez, now is Volunteer Coordinator and helps to run and manage the ex-situ collection of the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project
brian.gratwicke: Jorge Guerrell, conservation technician performing parasite load analysis on fecal samples
brian.gratwicke: Dr. Ibanez swabbing Atelopus limosus for Bd at Sierra Llorona
brian.gratwicke: Field expedition to the Darien Region to find the toad mountain harlequin frog
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus glyphus female
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus glyphus tadpoles
brian.gratwicke: Atelopus certus babies!