brewbooks: Zirkel Circle
brewbooks: Heartleaf arnica
brewbooks: Serviceberry
brewbooks: Gold Creek was flowing
brewbooks: False Hellebore and Mertensia
brewbooks: First Gold Creek crossing
brewbooks: Trillium ovatum
brewbooks: Trillium ovatum
brewbooks: Second Gold Creek crossing
brewbooks: Glacier Lily
brewbooks: Globe Flower
brewbooks: Globe Flower
brewbooks: Yellow-bellied Marmot skull ?
brewbooks: Yellow-bellied Marmot skull ?
brewbooks: Glacier Lily
brewbooks: Glacier polished boulder
brewbooks: Gold Creek Lake
brewbooks: Yellow Fungi
brewbooks: To identify
brewbooks: Alpine meadow
brewbooks: Elk crossing meadow
brewbooks: Elk crossing meadow
brewbooks: Elk crossing meadow
brewbooks: Elk crossing meadow
brewbooks: Gyromitra montana
brewbooks: Goosefoot Violet
brewbooks: Glacier Lily
brewbooks: A bit tired
brewbooks: Flatop Mountain Range
brewbooks: Gilpin Lake