brewbooks: Aspidotis densa on serpentine
brewbooks: Interesting butterfly (maybe Nymphalis antiopa?)
brewbooks: Interesting butterfly (maybe Nymphalis antiopa?)
brewbooks: Greene's Mountain-ash with Ants and Flies
brewbooks: Greene's Mountain-ash with Ants and Flies
brewbooks: Achlys triphylla
brewbooks: Thalictrum occidentale (male flower)
brewbooks: Trillium ovatum (aging)
brewbooks: Aquilegia formosa
brewbooks: Polystichum lemmonii (Shasta Fern)
brewbooks: Polystichum lemmonii (Shasta Fern)
brewbooks: Polystichum lemmonii (Shasta Fern) sori
brewbooks: Polystichum lemmonii (Shasta Fern)
brewbooks: Polystichum lemmonii (Shasta Fern)
brewbooks: Castilleja miniata (I think)
brewbooks: Sorbus
brewbooks: Greene's Mountain-ash with Ants and Flies
brewbooks: Intersection of Bean and Beverly Trails
brewbooks: Interesting butterfly (maybe Nymphalis antiopa?)
brewbooks: Hydrophyllum capitatum
brewbooks: Hydrophyllum capitatum
brewbooks: Calypso bulbosa
brewbooks: Trillium ovatum
brewbooks: Trillium ovatum
brewbooks: Letharia vulpina
brewbooks: Dodecatheon
brewbooks: Ferns on Serpentine rock
brewbooks: Waterfall
brewbooks: Teanaway Field Trip