Born in York:
Ensign E20
Born in York:
Ensign E20 framing window
Born in York:
Ensign E20 film cassette and mask
Born in York:
Kershaw King Penguin
Born in York:
Kodak Brownie 620
Born in York:
Zeiss Ikon Nettar 517/16
Born in York:
Zenit EM
Born in York:
Kodak Brownie 127
Born in York:
Agfa Silette
Born in York:
Canon AE1P with Canon 35-105mm f3.5 zoom lens
Born in York:
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex IV
Born in York:
Ensign 820 Selfix Special
Born in York:
Smena Symbol
Born in York:
Agfa Silette Rapid I
Born in York:
Agfa ISO- Rapid IC
Born in York:
Agfa Isolette
Born in York:
Konica S2 Auto
Born in York:
Praktica Super TL
Born in York:
Olympus AZ300
Born in York:
Kiev 4
Born in York:
Ilford Sporti
Born in York:
Zeiss Ikon Contina J
Born in York:
Kodak Brownie No 2
Born in York:
Chinon CE-4
Born in York:
Microcord Mk II
Born in York:
Kodak Brownie Reflex
Born in York:
Voigtlander Vito B
Born in York:
Kershaw 110
Born in York:
Olympus Trip 35 with yellow filter and rubber lens hood
Born in York:
Canon AV-1