bondesu: kawaii!
bondesu: a simple smile 4 you bondesu!
bondesu: little cuties in kimono
bondesu: in red
bondesu: snappy
bondesu: hadano
bondesu: hiding
bondesu: JAL Flight attndant
bondesu: samba festival 2008
bondesu: My way...
bondesu: samba festival 2008
bondesu: sunflower girl
bondesu: peace but beware of bamboo stick
bondesu: suicide of love
bondesu: drew barrymore?
bondesu: "Yes, I'm free tomorrow and I'll be your valentine."
bondesu: Yoyogi park cosplay
bondesu: keep smiling...
bondesu: kawaii
bondesu: coolpix
bondesu: anyong aseyo!
bondesu: lyder is her name
bondesu: quicky shot
bondesu: lovely smile
bondesu: she's looking at me.