Decepticreep: Praying he doesn't notice...
Decepticreep: He's got the scent!
Decepticreep: Got to run faster!
Decepticreep: Python wrassl'in!
Decepticreep: Spotted!
Decepticreep: At the watering hole
Decepticreep: Crossing the river...
Decepticreep: Charging Triceratops!
Decepticreep: Escape from the horns of death!
Decepticreep: Confrontation!
Decepticreep: Observing from a safe distance
Decepticreep: Discovering strange, oversized flora!
Decepticreep: Intoxicating aromas
Decepticreep: Arachnophobia
Decepticreep: Saved by a swift kick to the abdomen!
Decepticreep: Eight legged freaks!!
Decepticreep: Crossing over
Decepticreep: Over the river
Decepticreep: Balancing act
Decepticreep: Don't slip!
Decepticreep: GI Joe at the Falls of Fear!
Decepticreep: GI Joe at the Falls of Fear!
Decepticreep: GI Joe at the Falls of Fear!
Decepticreep: GI Joe at the Falls of Fear!
Decepticreep: GI Joe at the Falls of Fear!
Decepticreep: GI Joe at the Falls of Fear!
Decepticreep: GI Joe at the Falls of Fear!
Decepticreep: GI Joe at the Falls of Fear!
Decepticreep: GI Joe at the Falls of Fear!
Decepticreep: GI Joe at the Falls of Fear!