_miqqi: Nemophila
Satan+++: The best kind of pp r the ones that come into ur life , n make u see the sun where u once saw clouds . The pp that belive in u so much , u start to believe in u too . The pp that love u , simply for being u . The once in a lifetime kind of people
Thảo Green: Bình minh
Toon Ent.: Firework
nửađêm: Ohh i feel like shit
Thảo Green: Thanks god
nửađêm: nửa đêm ư ?!
Cát.Le ♥: May 2013
Khang.HQ: L'usine
JoyHey: Cotton Candy In The Sky
tiểu xù;: 200413 PB
Toon Ent.: A day dream
adorable chichi <3: Cbi về tp thôi <3
Hương Blue: being me.
adorable chichi <3: When you stopped believin' in me,i did too :)
adorable chichi <3: :)) hnay thi dc quá :)))
Cind Jours: cần phút bình yên..
H U N S I R O U S: Christmas night..
t ú a n h ♥: Love find its way.
Trinh Pink (Mi♥Yako): Muốn có ảnh đẹp, hãy hõi CAMERE 360 :)))) hiehie ♥