blurb: Seemingly Fragile
blurb: Moving Standstill
blurb: How Snails are Born
blurb: It's Still Too Cold
blurb: Possible Crossed Wires
blurb: Streetlight Sun
blurb: Sitting on a Park Bench
blurb: Quakey
blurb: Melted, Molted, Meted
blurb: Park Lights
blurb: The Warmest Day of February
blurb: Crotch
blurb: Spiked
blurb: Good Dog
blurb: The Former Congressman Worrying Again
blurb: Moon in the Peep
blurb: Chain
blurb: Almost Macro
blurb: Small Mouthed Vase
blurb: Reflective and Non-reflective Surfaces
blurb: Dekiltered
blurb: Analog Warp
blurb: Brooklyn Boathouse