blakespot: my office at the UVA School of Nursing
blakespot: coding at CSC in Sept 2000
blakespot: office9
blakespot: IMG_2665
blakespot: IMG_0107
blakespot: fculz8vt
blakespot: Power Mac G4 "Quicksilver" cloth banner in my office
blakespot: officemac2
blakespot: office10
blakespot: office2
blakespot: office4
blakespot: office5
blakespot: Me in my AFL-CIO office
blakespot: office7
blakespot: office8
blakespot: Welcome Malia and Sasha banner
blakespot: Welcome Malia and Sasha banner
blakespot: the new office
blakespot: the new office is getting more homey
blakespot: Office murals in D.C. by Kelly Towles
blakespot: looking more homey
blakespot: the girl made me a Valentine's shrinky dink!
blakespot: another office panorama - more on the walls
blakespot: the //c in the new office
blakespot: office evolution
blakespot: a gift from Susan Kare
blakespot: a gift from Susan Kare
blakespot: My DC office is a little out of control at present
blakespot: Ghetto standing desk at the office - recent back injury
blakespot: standing desk in sitting position