Bill Davies (SA): Kellan, after eating sausages and tomato sauce
Bill Davies (SA): Looks kinda evil.... but it is not
Bill Davies (SA): Jamie-Lee feeding Kellan
Bill Davies (SA): Frances and Jess at Gilroys
Bill Davies (SA): Andries and Vaughan
Bill Davies (SA): Mom and Dad celebrating 46 years of Marriage
Bill Davies (SA): Dad with Jamie-Lee and Steve
Bill Davies (SA): Dad with Jamie-Lee and Steve
Bill Davies (SA): Dad, Jamie-Lee, Barrie-George and Mom
Bill Davies (SA): Steve and Sam
Bill Davies (SA): Steve and Sam
Bill Davies (SA): Steve and Sam
Bill Davies (SA): Mom, Frances, Jess and Dad
Bill Davies (SA): Barrie-George and I
Bill Davies (SA): Barrie-George and I
Bill Davies (SA): Sam and Kellan
Bill Davies (SA): Sam and Kellan