big T: another game of settlers
big T: where is my orange road?
big T: I 'm missing an orange road
big T: settler's in the tent
big T: Playing settlers in the tent because the wind was so bad outside
big T: we've settled Catan! Champagne!
big T: Matt by the fire
big T: tricia by the fire
big T: campfire
big T: campfire
big T: Jamie the s'more maker
big T: tricia by the fire
big T: Hiking to Lake Anne
big T: Hiking to Lake Anne
big T: Sam and Rachel
big T: Tricia and Ryan
big T: Rock Slide
big T: Ryan
big T: Hiking to Lake Anne in the North Cascades
big T: purple flowers
big T: hiking
big T: more purple wild flower
big T: flowers and rock slide
big T: Hiking is fun!
big T: Lake Anne
big T: Tricia
big T: Rachel and Sam
big T: Tricia and Rachel
big T: Mike and Ryan
big T: Tricia, Ryan & Mike