bgriffith: Boreal Chickadee
bgriffith: Red- breasted Nuthatch
bgriffith: Barrow's Goldeneye
bgriffith: Boreal Chickadee
bgriffith: Barred Owl
bgriffith: Rough-legged Hawk
bgriffith: Merlin
bgriffith: Red-tailed Hawk
bgriffith: Pileated Woodpecker
bgriffith: Cooper's Hawk
bgriffith: Carolina Wrens
bgriffith: Barred Owl
bgriffith: Eastern Screech-Owl
bgriffith: Pomarine Jaeger
bgriffith: Common Murre
bgriffith: Purple Sandpipers and Dunlin
bgriffith: Gray Seal
bgriffith: Common Murres
bgriffith: Red-tailed Hawk on Smuttynose Island
bgriffith: Purple Sandpipers and a Dunlin
bgriffith: Dark-eyed Junco
bgriffith: Northern Harrier
bgriffith: Eastern Screech-Owl
bgriffith: Sulid sp.
bgriffith: Orange-crowned Warbler
bgriffith: Dickcissel
bgriffith: Dickcissel
bgriffith: Common Green Darner
bgriffith: Winter Wren
bgriffith: "Gambel's" White-crowned Sparrow