ch54switch: Federal Courthouse, Cedar Rapids IA, June 2012
ch54switch: Federal Courthouse, Cedar Rapids IA, June 2012
ch54switch: No Pedestrians, Cedar Rapids IA, May 2012
ch54switch: Spiral Garage, Cedar Rapids IA, June 2012
ch54switch: Old Crowne Pointe Hotel Remodeling, Downtown Cedar Rapids, IA March 2012
ch54switch: Bend to Squares
ch54switch: Abandoned
ch54switch: Powerlines
ch54switch: Untitled -17th St
ch54switch: Untitled - 17th St NE
ch54switch: E Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids
ch54switch: Very Colorado
ch54switch: Red, White and Rowhouse
ch54switch: Future The, Downtown Cedar Rapids IA, June 2012