benlarhome: Day 9 - Our pick-up van
benlarhome: Day 9 - Ben demonstrating to a couple on our tour how much his viewfinder can pivot to
benlarhome: Day 9 - Ben scoops up a bit of water from the bay, completing his project to gather water from all three of Canadas oceans - the Altlantic, Pacific, and Arctic
benlarhome: Day 9 - Bay Bulls is another of Newfoundlands's oil rig service harbours in addition to tour boats
benlarhome: Day 9 - Bay Bulls church
benlarhome: Day 9 - A nice gift shop
benlarhome: Day 9 - Lots of selection
benlarhome: Ben finally notices the Puffin
benlarhome: Day 9 - Coffee and snacks too!
benlarhome: Day 9 - Happy Ben, off to see his Puffins!
benlarhome: Day 9 - Apparently, everybody in Newfoundland can sing and does!
benlarhome: Day 9 - Puffin taking off
benlarhome: Day 9 - There's a reason he's holding onto the rail...
benlarhome: Day 9 - Another Puffin on the water
benlarhome: Day 9 - Another Puffin on Gull Island
benlarhome: Day 9 - Common Murres, Gull Island
benlarhome: Day 9 - Larry on the boat
benlarhome: Day 9 - Puffins on Gull Island
benlarhome: Day 9 - Puffins in the air
benlarhome: Day 9 - Skies above Witless Bay Ecological Reserve , where the Puffins are...
benlarhome: Day 9 - Wise words of advice...
benlarhome: Day 9 - Common Murre, Green Island
benlarhome: Day 9 - A Puffin on the water
benlarhome: Day 9 - A seagull apartment building
benlarhome: Day 9 - More Puffins on Gull Island
benlarhome: Day 9 - Witless Bay lighthouse
benlarhome: Day 9 - The competition
benlarhome: Day 9 - The Rooms museum foyer
benlarhome: Day 9 - The Rooms Cafe view
benlarhome: Day 9 - Smoked Atlantic Salmon Sandwich