bekkabess: This gives me some hope for potty-training. ;)
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bekkabess: Liam's Easter basket!
bekkabess: "There He goes, the hero, the savior to the world/Here He stands with scars in His hands/With love He gave His life so we could be free/The savior of the world." Happy Easter from the Bess family! :)
bekkabess: Playing with his friend David before Sunday School.
bekkabess: Happy Easter! #fashiondiaries #babyfashiondiaries
bekkabess: Liam and Mike are home! He showed off his new "walking with just a little help" skills. So amazing to see him toddle around the yard holding his daddy's hand!
bekkabess: Mike just texted this pic of Liam. :)
bekkabess: #photoadayapril [day 4 - someone who makes you happy] I can't even begin to describe how happy he makes me. :) #photoadayapril_bekkabess
bekkabess: Sunday afternoon lunch: Three Men and a Baby
bekkabess: Meet the bottomless pit. I didn't think he would stop eating this morning. Of course, Grandma was all too happy to feed him off of her plate. :)
bekkabess: Liam opened his Easter basket from Grandma and Papaw this morning. He wanted to pile his eggs on top of the basket. This kid is obsessed with eggs...we may have to get him his own chicken at some point.
bekkabess: Day 29 - Feet
bekkabess: Easter egg hunt
bekkabess: My bookworm. :)
bekkabess: Here's one for the #meandmy_emotions challenge. I snapped it this morning...he wasn't happy that Mike sat him down.
bekkabess: Liam is a daddy's boy. As I post this pic, he is sitting at the front door trying to figure out a way to go outside and help him do yard work. ;)
bekkabess: Yum! Liam is making a batch of "truck soup"! :D
bekkabess: There's just something do bizarre about watching my child plat with Fall leaves in the Spring while wearing Summer clothes...
bekkabess: Day 20 - Before and after
bekkabess: Liam has new (to him) summer clothes, so it's time for a new #fashiondiaries ! Hoping to do a lot more of these. #babyfashiondiaries
bekkabess: Day 19 - Funny
bekkabess: Waiting for a seat at Cracker Barrel.
bekkabess: One of Liam's new things is pointing at Lola and saying "tah".
bekkabess: How to eat with a fork: (1) Put food in your mouth. (2) Put fork in your mouth. :)
bekkabess: Liam had a playdate with his friend Lukas tonight. They played so well together!
bekkabess: I'm saving this one to show Liam's first girlfriend someday. ;)
bekkabess: We had lots of fun playing in the yard this evening.
bekkabess: Day 11 - Someone you talked to