Miss Krin: Remains of Brunch
Miss Krin: Palm glasshouse
Miss Krin: Across the lake at Kew
Miss Krin: Duck, sleeping
Miss Krin: Lillies
Miss Krin: Hanging pitcher plants
Miss Krin: Come in here, little bug
Miss Krin: Lily pads
Miss Krin: Weeping Juniper
Miss Krin: Bumblebee
Miss Krin: Poppies!
Miss Krin: Bamboo
Miss Krin: Spiral
Miss Krin: Floor grill
Miss Krin: Lace
Miss Krin: From the top of the greenhouse
Miss Krin: The temperate greenhouse
Miss Krin: Cloud!
Miss Krin: Approaching the pagoda
Miss Krin: Decoration on the Japanese gate
Miss Krin: Off to find some "greens"
Miss Krin: Japanese Pavilion dog
Miss Krin: Peacock
Miss Krin: The pagoda
Miss Krin: Soaking up the Sun
Miss Krin: Hand
Miss Krin: African tree?
Miss Krin: Cycad
Miss Krin: Tree fern