穆曜飛: Felix
穆曜飛: Mountain Christmas 2019
穆曜飛: Felix
穆曜飛: David
穆曜飛: David
穆曜飛: Craig and Chris
穆曜飛: Fundoshi party during Lazy bear 2017
穆曜飛: Black's beach bear gathering
穆曜飛: Pup Ajax
穆曜飛: Felix
穆曜飛: Peter
穆曜飛: Kris.
穆曜飛: Asian bear squad ;)
穆曜飛: Wings
穆曜飛: Osaka Castle
穆曜飛: 5 years, +20 lbs
穆曜飛: Flower of the shadow, Flowers of the sun
穆曜飛: KevinL
穆曜飛: Rain room, LACMA
穆曜飛: DSC07660
穆曜飛: DSC06302
穆曜飛: DSC06292
穆曜飛: Matt x Jon
穆曜飛: Donick
穆曜飛: DSC02957
穆曜飛: DSC02961
穆曜飛: Moonrise
穆曜飛: Star catcher