(bbarsalo): Merle noir - Turdus merula - Common Blackbird
(bbarsalo): Créadion de Lesson - Philesturnus rufusater - North Island Saddleback
(bbarsalo): Vanneau soldat - Vanellus miles - Masked Lapwing
(bbarsalo): Far away, I saw the Jevenile is on the shoulder / Loin loin j'ai vu le bébé est sur l'épaule) Grèbe huppé - Podiceps cristatus - Great Crested Grebe
(bbarsalo): Étourneau sansonnet - Sturnus vulgaris - Common Starling
(bbarsalo): Martin triste -Acridotheres tristis - Common Myna
(bbarsalo): Carpophage de Nouvelle-Zélande - Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae - New Zealand Pigeon
(bbarsalo): Merle noir - Turdus merula - Common Blackbird
(bbarsalo): Râle wéka - Gallirallus australis - Weka
(bbarsalo): Tadorne de paradis - Tadorna variegata - Paradise Shelduck
(bbarsalo): Canard colvert - Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard
(bbarsalo): Méliphage carillonneur - Anthornis melanura - New Zealand Bellbird
(bbarsalo): Moineau domestique - Passer domesticus - House Sparrow
(bbarsalo): Méliphage carillonneur - Anthornis melanura - New Zealand Bellbird
(bbarsalo): Sterne tara - Sterna striata - White-fronted Tern
(bbarsalo): Sterne tara - Sterna striata - White-fronted Tern
(bbarsalo): Urubu à tête rouge - Cathartes aura - Turkey Vulture
(bbarsalo): Roselin familier - Haemorhous mexicanus - House Finch
(bbarsalo): Roselin pourpré - Haemorhous purpureus - Purple Finch
(bbarsalo): Hirondelle bicolore - Tachycineta bicolor - Tree Swallow
(bbarsalo): Moucherolle phébi - Sayornis phoebe - Eastern Phoebe
(bbarsalo): Carouge à épaulettes - Agelaius phoeniceus - Red-winged Blackbird
(bbarsalo): Quiscale bronzé - Quiscalus quiscula - Common Grackle
(bbarsalo): Carouge à épaulettes - Agelaius phoeniceus - Red-winged Blackbird
(bbarsalo): Merle d'Amérique - Turdus migratorius - American Robin
(bbarsalo): Vacher à tête brune - Molothrus ater - Brown-headed Cowbird
(bbarsalo): Étourneau sansonnet - Sturnus vulgaris - Common Starling
(bbarsalo): Épervier de Cooper - Accipiter cooperii - Cooper's Hawk
(bbarsalo): Troglodyte des forêts - Troglodytes hiemalis - Winter Wren
(bbarsalo): Tortue peinte de l'Est - Chrysemys picta picta - Eastern Painted Turtle