BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Captain Randy knew...
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Captain Randy figured...
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Captain Randy says...
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Captain Randy...
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Captain Randy hadn't been home...
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Now that he was alone
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Invitation to visit.. ACCEPTED
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Hearing Captain Randy cry himself to sleep
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: The day after meeting Candy...
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Captain Randy told Candy
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: After burying Captain Randy in the sand
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Captain Randy rides again...
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Captain Randy remembers
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Candy thoroughly enjoyed
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Captain Randy explains to Candy
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Even young love calls for serious discussions...
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: The 3 Amigos
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Whenever Captain Randy says "I Love You"
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Captain Randy has Flashbacks at the oddest times....
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: After laying in wait, Captain Randy discovers who was stealing the stones from his rock garden...
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Wait till they see this at the County Fair!
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Mort tries a new way to drive Captain Randy off his couch...
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Concussions Bring Repercussions
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: The flowers were lovely...