The Bankstons: just the 3 of us
The Bankstons: double chins galore!
The Bankstons: he's getting very sleeeepy
The Bankstons: stealing a smooch
The Bankstons: family snuggles
The Bankstons: another kiss
The Bankstons: ma, you're smothering me!
The Bankstons: aerial shot
The Bankstons: in pjs still
The Bankstons: Maddie kicks back
The Bankstons: chillin'
The Bankstons: peekaboo
The Bankstons: daddy's at it again
The Bankstons: even the dogs snuggle
The Bankstons: sleepy pups
The Bankstons: protectors of the manor
The Bankstons: snoozin
The Bankstons: up-close
The Bankstons: what a worried look
The Bankstons: Daddy's fingers taste good
The Bankstons: hands...touching hands...
The Bankstons: milk dopey
The Bankstons: look at that sweet face
The Bankstons: chubby cheeks
The Bankstons: on the quilt Aunt Leslie made
The Bankstons: look at the shorts
The Bankstons: dimples and shorts
The Bankstons: checking out her feet
The Bankstons: this photo doesn't really look like her to me
The Bankstons: lovin' the boppy