The Bankstons: checking out great grandma
The Bankstons: Maddie & great grandma
The Bankstons: an outfit that's not pink
The Bankstons: fighting the sleepies
The Bankstons: sacked out
The Bankstons: being cute is exhausting
The Bankstons: making german potato salad
The Bankstons: stealing sugar
The Bankstons: proud great grandpa
The Bankstons: almost a grand plie
The Bankstons: great grandpa & Maddie
The Bankstons: grandma & grandpa Kennedy & Maddie
The Bankstons: with Maddie's great grandparents
The Bankstons: with Aunt Colleen & Aunt Maureen
The Bankstons: instructions
The Bankstons: with my dad's sisters & grandma
The Bankstons: the picture where I learn these jeans don't look so cute
The Bankstons: 4 generations
The Bankstons: hats are still a bit big
The Bankstons: 4 guys & a little lady
The Bankstons: grandpa, daddy, Maddie, great grandpa, & great uncle