back_country: Sumpter Dredge
back_country: Abandoned Trans Am
back_country: Roadside rusty, Hells Canyon
back_country: On the Succour Creek Road
back_country: Overgrown on the Succour Creek Road
back_country: Lake Abert afternoon
back_country: Succour Creek
back_country: Succour Creek geology
back_country: Malheur Wildlife Refuge overlook
back_country: Steen Mountain from Alvord Desert
back_country: Lake Abert sunset
back_country: Sunset at Alvord Desert
back_country: Frenchlen Hotel, Steen Mountain
back_country: Pronghorn! Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge
back_country: No way past, Hart Mountain
back_country: Going nowhere, Hart Mountain
back_country: Hart Mountain
back_country: Hart Mountain
back_country: Back Country Byway
back_country: Stationery engine
back_country: Hart Mountain turn, Plush
back_country: JJ's Barn, Plush
back_country: Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge
back_country: Road to Adel
back_country: Geyser!
back_country: Lake Abert
back_country: Crooked River
back_country: Mount Washington from Big Lake
back_country: Abandoned
back_country: Sparks Lake