babakotoeu: Our starting point for our trip to Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast was the town of Juigalpa. This picture is taken on its bus station [Juigalpa / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Waiting for the public boat to Bluefields to leave in the little town of El Rama [El Rama / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Main street [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Bluefields in one of the major towns on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua. The town can only be reached by boat or airplane [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Waiting room of the passenger panga (boat) terminal [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Seaworthy vessel? [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Russia sponsored Kamaz firetrucks [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Vegetable store [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Administrative building in Bluefields. Bluefields has a strong regional function in this 'Caribbean' area of the country [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Mural on the main plaza [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Once, Bluefields was a very picturesque town with many wooden Victorian houses. But the 1988 hurricane Joan destroyed the whole city . Nowadays you will see many concrete block buildings and shacks like this one [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Busy harbour [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Bluefields is mainly a fishing town. Especially lobster is the catch of the area [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Ramshackle house [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Local Creol art [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Low-key restaurant [Pearl Lagoon / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Creol dish, Rice & beans with fish balls and a salad [Pearl Lagoon / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Mural [Bluefields / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Girl finds her way through the water on the main track between Peral Laggon and Raitipura [Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Colourful 'caribbean' houses [Pearl lagoon / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Kids on their way to school [Pearl lagoon / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Village life [Pearl Lagoon / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Creol girls [Pearl Lagoon / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: The Caribbean is very visible in Pearl Lagoon [Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Typical Caribbean picture [Pearl Lagoon / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Pearl Lagoon village is named after the lagoon on whose shores it is located [Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Time for a refresco in a small shop/bar/restaurant [Pearl Lagoon / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: Local woman [Pearl Lagoon / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: The 'savannah' is the swamp area between Pearl Lagoon and Raitipura. It is a good place to see the woodstork [Pearl Lagoon / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]
babakotoeu: House [Raitipura / Caribbean coast / Nicaragua]