b_zen: icy flowers on the pane
b_zen: Kromlau in the spirit of Bob Ross :)
b_zen: Box checked: Rakotzbrücke, Kromlau
b_zen: Kromlau in the spirit of Bob Ross :)
b_zen: Box checked: Rakotzbrücke, Kromlau
b_zen: deathly booth
b_zen: amanita muscaria thriving alongside betula pendula
b_zen: work in progress II
b_zen: Laetiporus sulphureus slowly killing Salix alba
b_zen: rusty railyard
b_zen: murder presents
b_zen: pleurotus ostreatus eating tilia cordata
b_zen: work in progress...
b_zen: Wrocław
b_zen: Wrocław
b_zen: Wrocław, Centennial Hall
b_zen: Wrocław, Centennial Hall, Iglica
b_zen: Wrocław, Rzeżba Nawa
b_zen: Wrocław, Rzeżba Nawa
b_zen: Wrocław, Rzeżba Nawa
b_zen: Königskerze aus der Wand
b_zen: stairway to...
b_zen: to the mirror, to the wall
b_zen: Let's go already/Stoooop
b_zen: Spieglein, Spieglein.
b_zen: Elbe am Morgen