Romek✈︎Samolot: Beautiful Decay
Romek✈︎Samolot: Yellow Brick Condos
Romek✈︎Samolot: Selling Tobacco in Poland
Romek✈︎Samolot: Like I said, We in Poland Love a Churches
Romek✈︎Samolot: Very Exclusive
Romek✈︎Samolot: Citywide (Empty but Colorful)
Romek✈︎Samolot: Windows in Pink & Yellow
Romek✈︎Samolot: Building Somwhere in Poland
Romek✈︎Samolot: Cheap Wardrobe
Romek✈︎Samolot: Polish City Church
Romek✈︎Samolot: Polish Wall Still Standing
Romek✈︎Samolot: Winter in Poland (Perfect new Building)
Romek✈︎Samolot: And You Asking Me 'bout Emptyness?
Romek✈︎Samolot: for Stephen Shore
Romek✈︎Samolot: Mamma Mia (no. 2 - defunct)
Romek✈︎Samolot: Polish Cuisine - Tradition of Taste - Home Cooking - Pepsi
Romek✈︎Samolot: Gaz Grill Bar Kebab
Romek✈︎Samolot: This is the End of Summer
Romek✈︎Samolot: English Vintage Clothes Wholesale and ABC Groceries (16:9)
Romek✈︎Samolot: Mamma Mia (no. 1 - open & in business) 16:9
Romek✈︎Samolot: Polish Vista 16:9
Romek✈︎Samolot: Body Shop, Central Poland 16:9
Romek✈︎Samolot: Train Station, Ostrowiec, Poland 16:9
Romek✈︎Samolot: Street, Summer, Chicago
Romek✈︎Samolot: Hotel Lech
Romek✈︎Samolot: Poppy Field Inn Forever 16:9
Romek✈︎Samolot: Car Dealer on the Side of the Road (Trucks for Sale)
Romek✈︎Samolot: Tractors and Monument for Sale