avail: Suburban Blue Jays
avail: IMG_6115
avail: Suburban Black Eyed Junco
avail: Greater Yellow Legs, Fisherman's Cove NS
avail: Greater Yellow Legs, Fisherman's Cove NS
avail: Greater Yellow Legs, Fisherman's Cove NS
avail: Greater Yellow Legs, Fisherman's Cove NS
avail: Ring Billed Gull, Fisherman's Cove NS
avail: Starfish, Fisherman's Cove NS
avail: Halifax from Fisherman's Cove NS
avail: Ring Billed Gull, Fisherman's Cove NS
avail: The Arby's Pilgramage
avail: Ring the bell, it's Arby's time
avail: Very socially distanced
avail: Herbal Hunks
avail: Gus at the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Gus at the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Gus at the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
avail: IMG_6019
avail: IMG_6020