michele cat: wii boxing
michele cat: i've got to concentrate (concentrate, concentrate)
michele cat: what's his is mine
michele cat: it's my wii and i'm not letting go of it SO BACK OFF
michele cat: ugh. or ugg. whatever
michele cat: i think he cracked a smile
michele cat: wheeeee
michele cat: out with the old, in with the new
michele cat: holy crap, that's a lot of presents
michele cat: please put the camera down, mom
michele cat: david opening his stocking
michele cat: waiting for santa
michele cat: mom's, before the chaos
michele cat: vroom vroom
michele cat: 17 going on 7
michele cat: iScore
michele cat: baa baa black sheep
michele cat: peppermint twist
michele cat: got my kiss records out
michele cat: christmas in a half shell
michele cat: pre decoration
michele cat: the stockings were hung
michele cat: lights
michele cat: the final touch
michele cat: mom's tree
michele cat: determination
michele cat: tres leche
michele cat: every step you take, i'll be watching you
michele cat: all i want for christmas is to kick roger clemens in the nuts