Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Helicopter Saviour
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Threatened Dwelling One Ridge Away
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Big Crane Copters to Put Out Fires
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Copter On The Way To Drink Up
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Air Tanker Support
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: What They're Up Against
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Copter on Patrol Surrounded by the Odds
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Closer views of the rising Smoke
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: It Took Airtanker Support, Too
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: The Picture of Beauty and Rage
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: The Rage at Cal Pine
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Worried Cobb Mountain Residents
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Burned Downed Radio Towers and Radio Shack
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: The Turbines That were Saved At Cal Pine
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Drinking Among The Trees To Fight Fires
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Daylight Raids in the Smoke
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Detail of the Crew
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Drinking Up for Firefighting
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Beauty in Lake County Firefighting
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Firefighting From Above
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: At Work Against The Rumsey Fire
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: On Guard Against Fire
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Crews waiting to relieve the Fire Fighters, Rumsey Fire
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Day Time Fire Obscuring the Sun
Vincent Anton / aka Astrovine: Saviour of the Rumsey Fire