askpang: Last dinner at Cafe Alibi
askpang: Last dinner at Cafe Alibi
askpang: Last dinner at Cafe Alibi
askpang: Entrance to Cafe Alibi
askpang: Budapest intersection
askpang: Korean restaurant, Budapest
askpang: The back of Parliament
askpang: Parliament and Royal Palace
askpang: Shopping mall in Budapest
askpang: Biggie Best Home!
askpang: Glass factory, on the edge of Budapest
askpang: Glass factory, on the edge of Budapest
askpang: Glass factory, on the edge of Budapest
askpang: Glass factory, on the edge of Budapest
askpang: Graphisoft Park
askpang: 1838 flood
askpang: Anthony conducts some kind of optics experiment
askpang: Dinner with the Ithaka crew
askpang: Dinner with the Ithaka crew
askpang: Dinner with the Ithaka crew
askpang: Dinner with the Ithaka crew
askpang: Dinner with the Ithaka crew
askpang: Dinner with the Ithaka crew
askpang: Dinner with the Ithaka crew
askpang: Serious food! Beef with parsley dumplings
askpang: Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.
askpang: Dinner with the Ithaka crew
askpang: Glass of palinka
askpang: I've never seen one of these fizzy water bottles in real life before
askpang: Walking to dinner