arievergreen: lion's vegan dinner (yams, and pieces of his mothers' sammiches from Ithaca Bakery)
arievergreen: sensory box
arievergreen: spatula
arievergreen: spoon
arievergreen: lion playing with the sensory box
arievergreen: lion playing with the sensory box
arievergreen: lion playing with the sensory box
arievergreen: lion playing with the sensory box
arievergreen: sensory box after some play
arievergreen: trying again with the apparently tasty crayons
arievergreen: lion playing with and eating jelly
arievergreen: lion playing with and eating jelly
arievergreen: lion has eczema - coconut oil to the rescue!
arievergreen: lion and snow talking about coconut oil
arievergreen: a place to save bits of string and cat fur and so on to put in a suet cage outside, for birds, for nestmaking
arievergreen: made this out of a seltzer bottle, to hang by the door so we'll remember sunscreen etc.
arievergreen: cat enclosure
arievergreen: cat enclosure
arievergreen: cat enclosure
arievergreen: cat enclosure tunnel
arievergreen: cat enclosure tunnel
arievergreen: hugelkultur raised bed (greens and tomatoes)