arievergreen: presents for jeremy and teresa
arievergreen: presents for jeremy and teresa
arievergreen: from sharon
arievergreen: ithaca freeskool call for class proposals
arievergreen: a gift from joe
arievergreen: a book i made and gave to my mom
arievergreen: a book i made and gave to my mom
arievergreen: i ♥ free critter baking co.
arievergreen: stuff we brought to the first share tompkins swap meet
arievergreen: dandelion "honey" made by our friends at the dacha
arievergreen: thank you isaac
arievergreen: photo book by shira, and fun + love buttons
arievergreen: happy photos books by shira
arievergreen: buttons i made
arievergreen: cacaw cacaw!
arievergreen: art for josh
arievergreen: kale seedlings from our friends at the dacha
arievergreen: portraits of snow, sid and zora by our dear friend joe
arievergreen: a gift from marina, by some awesome musicians we met
arievergreen: amazing handpuppet made by marina
arievergreen: beanie for peace!
arievergreen: birthday card from marina - she left it in our mailbox
arievergreen: ha ha capitalism, you suck
arievergreen: cosmic kittyherbs
arievergreen: presents for peoples (that's zora's tail in the frame there!)
arievergreen: presents for peoples
arievergreen: present for a solstice party
arievergreen: card shira made for a solstice party
arievergreen: presents shira and i made for a solstice party
arievergreen: presents for shira's family