arievergreen: remixed city drawn from photos
arievergreen: mustache and floorplans
arievergreen: roof types and some floorplans
arievergreen: houses
arievergreen: health insurance - and village drawing
arievergreen: windows, charlie kaufman, and apple cider
arievergreen: some floorplan fun
arievergreen: 4 households sharing resources for mutual benefit
arievergreen: shameless self-promotion
arievergreen: a community can look like this (color version)
arievergreen: a community can look like this
arievergreen: collective housing schematics
arievergreen: trying unsuccessfully to figure out the floorplan of our new place in ithaca
arievergreen: more from our ithaca housing trip
arievergreen: experimental floorplan drawing in pen
arievergreen: learn from bonobos - and a house
arievergreen: housing drawings made in reykjavik with shira
arievergreen: housing drawings made in reykjavik
arievergreen: my sketchbook for may and june 2008 - the cover
arievergreen: another house design, this one with an integrated cat tunnel
arievergreen: the house from the front
arievergreen: yet another house drawing
arievergreen: drawn notes while reading "the self-sufficient house"
arievergreen: organic earth berm drawing
arievergreen: diagram of a very nice bathroom in hokkaido, japan
arievergreen: organic ecovillage drawing
arievergreen: earth-bermed organic house drawing
arievergreen: here
arievergreen: skyline