archaeology illustrated: Capernaum Aerial 1st century AD by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Abraham on the Move by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Ephesus Upper Agora/Roman Forum in the 2nd c. AD by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Minoan period wallpainting of girls gathering and offering Spring's first crocus flowers to the goddess at Akrotiri on the Greek island of Thera, around 1450 BC by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Kadesh Barnea the oasis in the Sinai desert where the Israelite tribes were settled for most of the Exodus. The tabernacle is within the circle of tents of the Levites and Kohanim, by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Jerusalem under King Hezekiah, 8th c. BC by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Rome, Palatine Hill, Aula Regia (reception hall of Domitian) late 1st century AD by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Athens, Parthenon Interior by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Olympia in the late Hellenistic/Roman period by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Nimrud Throne Room in the 8th century BC by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Katzrin on the Golan, Oil Pressers in the Byzantine period by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Jerusalem of Solomon in the 10th century BC by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Roman Forum Looking East by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Typical Israelite "Four room house" in the Biblical period by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Rome Temple of Venus and Rome by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Jerusalem Priestly Home in the 1st century AD by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Babylon City Center by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Pompeii Bakery by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Pompeii, House of the Faun by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Thessalonike in the Byzantine period by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Assos in the 1st century AD by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Israelite Four Room House Interior by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Beidha, Jordan around 8000BC. A "pre-pottery Neolithic A" settlement by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Sons of Jacob by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Damascus in the Roman Period by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Argos in the Late Bronze Age by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Sumerian City Uruk, Eanna Area, Earliest Level around 3200 BC by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Tivoli, Hadrian's Villa "The Serapaeon" 2nd century AD by Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Ostia, Rome's harbor town, 2nd century AD, Balage Balogh/
archaeology illustrated: Rome, Palatine Hill and Circus Maximus 2nd century AD, by Balage Balogh/