applewei: This is my dorm:)
applewei: I can touch your heart!
applewei: Is it so hard to let him stay?
applewei: Living in blue
applewei: steps to the sky
applewei: Black Pea
applewei: "ICH LIEBE DICH!"
applewei: STOP? GO!
applewei: Poker evening on Friday
applewei: TV evening on Saturday
applewei: Coke tide
applewei: Touch Me 1
applewei: Touch Me 2
applewei: På data...
applewei: På do...
applewei: If you had to lose one thing...
applewei: Waiting...
applewei: If you could push time...
applewei: The clock that forgets about time
applewei: Imagine...
applewei: Solo
applewei: Feel like writing...
applewei: Wider...
applewei: Learning to cook 1
applewei: Learning to cook 2
applewei: My necessities
applewei: My supervisor
applewei: Bubble bubble 1
applewei: Bubble bubble 2
applewei: The Leopard Is Running...