matt duke: demery
C.Stramba-Badiali: Haitian schoolchildren behind the wall of the school - HAITI - Hipstamatic iphone photo
mickiky: Desire
evaxebra: Day 242 of 365
{amanda}: Hey lady, these keys taste good!
joey kennedy: u n f o r g i v e n
nicola chiorzi [kik*]: ................................................Chiara
alex ayann: then he heard
Sara Petagna | apesara: Vampire's bite
makì: Do you know where the wild roses grow so sweet and scarlet and free?
schorlipaolo: Spleen
Linopop: ..There is light out of the tunnel..
Lara Swift: resurrection II
*Tom [luckytom] : Port Man nella nebbia
Tous les noms sont déjà pris... pfff...: Getting happy with plastic surgery
Quizz...: easily bored...
gary isaacs' photos: from the room that would cease to be 2/2/08